Monday 12 November 2018

Attach additional event listener to out of the box SharePoint ribbon control

Have you ever had a use case where you must do something additional when an out of the box ribbon control is clicked, like "Open With Explorer" or "Export to Excel"? Maybe not, until now?
What could make this use case valid is the fact that the ribbon is slowly being phased out and it is no longer available in the modern experience, in addition not all features available in the ribbon are supported by all browsers and clients.
Having something additional being executed when a button from the ribbon is clicked can help you collect usage data for this features and better plan the move to modern experience or (like it or not) making Edge default browser, which does not support "Open with Explorer".
I am not aware of any other way to collect this information in SharePoint on-prem or Online.
Here is an example script that can be added as Scriptlink user custom action and it will attach additional click event listener on the "Open With Explorer" button. Everything that the function will do is to log the action, user name and the document library title in the console, but you can do whatever you find for useful, like logging it in the ULS or calling an API that will record the event.
I have tested it in SharePoint 2016 but it should work in SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online classic experience lists, it requires JQuery.

The Script:

Monday 23 April 2018

Closing, Opening and Unlocking SharePoint site collections

The way to implement some sort of site collection life cycle in SharePoint Server and the classic SharePoint Online sites is the Site Policy.
With the site policy you can set when to close the site and what time to wait after closure and delete it.
Closing and Opening of site can be done very easily using server or client side code if the site already has policy assigned.
Below is an example server side powershell code for closing and opening site collections. Note that the code should be executed within elevated privilege context.

Add-PSSnapin *sh*
## Close Site Collection
  $spSite = Get-SPSite http://portal.azdev.l/sites/TestSite/
## Open Site Collection
  $spSite = Get-SPSite http://portal.azdev.l/sites/TestSite/

Reopening the site will also update the "Project Expiration date". This is the date when the site will be deleted according to the applied site policy.
You might need to reopen a site if for example you need to do some administrative task over the site collection like disabling feature, removing event receiver or something similar.
However, changing the deletion date might not be acceptable.
When a site is closed a special read-only lock is applied. If you check in the Central Administration you will see below.

Archived Site
If you have to do change in couple of closed sites, you can remove the lock from the Central Administration UI. Doing this for hundreds or thousand of closed sites will not be very practical.
The issue is that doing below command will not unlock the site if it was closed by site policy or using the ProjectPolicy class.

Set-SPSite -Identity -LockState Unlock

The key thing to notice on the picture above is the term "Archived". The SPSite object has Archived Boolean property, if it is true the site is "archived" and read-only, if false and there is no other lock type applied, the site will be read-write. You can just change the value of that property with PowerShell, setting the value to false will not alter the project expiration date.

$spSite = Get-SPSite 
## Unlock the site
$spSite.Archived = $false
## Lock back the site
$spSite.Archived = $true

There is no client side analog that I am aware of. I hope it was helpful!

Monday 26 March 2018

Build trust for federated search between two SharePoint Server farms

Federated search is when you aim to receive search result from separate SharePoint (on-premises) by performing a search query in a separate on-premise SharePoint farm.
If you have done such configuration probably you have seen the official documentation for setting it up. This procedure will work in most of the cases.
However, this will not work if you do not have outbound connectivity from the remote farm that will receive the search query (ReceivingFarm) to the farm that is sending the query (SendingFarm).
In that case the federated search will be possible as long as the SendingFarm can access the ReceivingFarm, vice versa is not required, but you should take a bit different approach when building the trust since the SendingFarm web app metadata end point will not be available.
The first thing that needs to be done is to export the root and the token signing certificates from the SendingFarm and also get the Issuer Name (NameIdentifier) of the SendingFarm STS .

## Export Root Certificate
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\SendingFarmRoot.cer" -Encoding byte
## Export Signing Certificate
$stsCert = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate
$stsCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\SendingFarmSTS.cer" -Encoding byte
## Get the STS Issuer Name
$issuerName = (Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).NameIdentifier

The difference from the official procedure will be how we are going to create the trusted token issuer and the trusted root authority in the ReceivingFarm, this is step 3 in the official procedure.
First copy the SendingFarm certificated to the ReceivingFarm.
Having above done you can create the trusted security token issuer and the trusted root authority  in the ReceivingFarm.

## Read SendingFarm Signing certificate
$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Install\Certs\SendingFarmSTS.cer"
## Read SendingFarm root certificate
$rootCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Install\Certs\SendingFarmRoot.cer"
# Create a trusted security token issuer
$i = New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer -Name "SendingFarm" `
                                      -Certificate $stsCert `
                                      -IsTrustBroker:$false `
                                      -RegisteredIssuerName "<SendingFarm IssuerName>"
# Configure trust of the token-signing certificate'
# by adding the trust used to sign oAuth tokens'
# to the list of trusted root authorities'
# in ReceivingFarm
New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "SendingFarm" `
                           -Certificate $rootCert

Now, you can continue with the trust configuration as it is described in the documentation.

I hope you found this helpful!

Friday 19 January 2018

Search result security trimming for File Share content source with ADFS users

Indexing of file shares is a common requirement if you have  legacy file share that hasn't been migrated to SharePoint or you are using file share for archiving purposes. SharePoint Search can provide this functionality.
SharePoint also support search result trimming for file share content. That means that if the user does not have permission to a certain content on the file share, the user will not see the content appearing in the search results.
If you are using Windows integrated authentication the security trimming does not require anything special, it will just work. This is not the case if your users are using ADFS to authenticate against SharePoint. If you are using ADFS it is mandatory to have two more claims in order to make the security trimming working.
Those claims are Primary SID and Primary Group SID. In some articles you can find that the Primary SID is required in S2S authentication scenario, but nothing about the Primary Group SID. The Primary SID is the User object SID and the Primary Group SID is the SID of the Domain's primary group
In this post I will demonstrate how to setup it up in ADFS and SharePoint. I have tested it with ADFS 4.0 and SharePoint Server 2016.

On the ADFS side you will need to create two Issuance Transformation rules using template "Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim".
You can use below rules to append your rule file and import it to your SharePoint Relying Party Trust(s).
But first, you will have to export your current rules by using below command.

$sprp = Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -Name "<SharePointRP_Name>"
$sprp.IssuanceTransformRules | Out-File "C:\IssuanceTransformRules.txt"

Append the file with below rules for Primary SID and Primary Group SID or any additional rules you might want.

@RuleTemplate = "PassThroughClaims"
@RuleName = "Pass Primary Group SID"
c:[Type == ""]
 => issue(claim = c);
@RuleTemplate = "PassThroughClaims"
@RuleName = "Pass Primary SID"
c:[Type == ""]
 => issue(claim = c);

Now, import  the file containing your old and newly added rules.

Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName "<SharePointRP_Name>"`
 -IssuanceTransformRulesFile "C:\IssuanceTransformRules.txt"

On the SharePoint side you will have to create the claim type mappings for the two new claims. You can use the example script below.

Add-PSSnapin *SH*
$sts = Get-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer
$map = New-SPClaimTypeMapping `
-IncomingClaimType  "" `
-IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName  "Primary group SID" -SameAsIncoming
$map2 = New-SPClaimTypeMapping `
-IncomingClaimType "" `
-IncomingClaimTypeDisplayName "Primary SID" -SameAsIncoming
Add-SPClaimTypeMapping -Identity $map -TrustedIdentityTokenIssuer $sts
Add-SPClaimTypeMapping -Identity $map2 -TrustedIdentityTokenIssuer $sts

And that's is all you need to do. If everything is fine you will see values for the two new claims and the security trimming should work for the ADFS users.

If you are wondering how to see the claims, I am using one of the many SharePoint Claims Viewer web parts found on the internet. I am also using LDAPCP for claims provider. Above requirement and scripts will be the same if you are using the OOTB claims provider.
I hope you found it helpful!

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Change Site Policy Deletion notification email template in SharePoint

The Site Policies in SharePoint are information management tool that helps you implement some site life cycle management. Whether this is dictated by internal house keeping rules or some external regulations that apply to your organisation, the Site Policy is the out of the box way to go if you want to "close" a site, delete it or both, automaticaly after certain period of time.
With site policies you have the option to notify the site owners in advance before the site is deleted. The mail looks like the one below.

Site Deletion Notice

The information in this email might not be suitable for your organization.
Fortunately there is a way to change the default Site Policy notification email body template and the email subject. This is not done in some XML template file like the Alerts template, maybe there is one, but I have not found it. There is SSOM and CSOM API that you can use to set custom email body template per policy.
The documentation of this is very poor and the best resource on this is the article Site Policy in SharePoint.
Unfortunately I have not managed to make this work server side or using PowerShell. I have tried with SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online ssom and csom as well.
The only way I found it working is from console application using the CSOM approach.
The site policy post above is good and the code should work as it is, but it has some gaps.
There are three placeholders that we can use, placeholders for Site Url, Deletion Date and Mailbox Id.
However the placeholders with curly braces that are demonstrated in the post will not work.
I would like to save you some time testing especially if you are targeting SharePoint Online, as there you cannot manually run the "Expiration Policy" timer job.

The correct placeholders are below, without curly braces or any spaces.

SiteUrl: <!--SiteUrl-->
Deletion Date: <!--SiteDeleteDate-->
Mailbox ID: <!--TeamMailboxID-->

I hope you found this helpful!